Here at Hospital FRC we offer both Community (Non–Accredited) and QQI Accredited Programmes. Our range of programmes are diverse and changes on a regular basis to meet the needs of the community. All of these programmes are supported and funded by Limerick and Clare Education and Training Boards (ETB’s). The ETB was formally known as the VEC. Students pay a nominal fee towards the upkeep of the centre.
To explore the choice of programmes available and learn more about Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board’s Further Education and Training delivery, visit:
If you wish to see what current classes and groups are open for registration in Hospital FRC and wish to register on-line please go to the following link:
You will need to enter ‘Hospital’ as a sub-location, after which you will see the part-time classes offered through Limerick and Clare ETB at Hospital FRC.
Community Education
Community Education works with adults who wish to return to or continue their education, offering a learner-centred approach involving personal supports and tuition leading to positive personal, social and economic outcomes. Many of the students involved in community education programmes have not been in a classroom for many years. Others may not have engaged whilst in traditional school for many different reasons. Others view doing a course as a social pastime and an opportunity to expand their horizons, learn a new skill or simply meet people.
Entering a community education programme is often a gateway to employment. Programmes at this level could sometimes be considered a taster for a more formal programme at FETAC level moving on to University programmes leading to degrees, masters and even doctorates.
Certificates of attendance and/or completion are normally awarded at the end of these programmes. This certification does not appear on the National Qualifications framework explained below.
Community and Adult Education in Ireland is supported by Aontas.
Aontas is the National Adult Learning Organisation. Click here to access their website.
Visit AontasFETAC
The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the single national awarding body in further education and training in Ireland. FETAC programmes are recognised on the Qualifications Framework from Level 1 – 6. It is responsible for determining the standards for named awards at levels 1 to 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. All named awards are devised in line with the National Qualifications Authority of Irelands determinations and guidelines. Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) meets learner’s needs by making relevant FETAC awards that give access to opportunities in further education and training and in employment.
Even though many of the FETAC programmes are skills based and designed to increase one’s employability, many students engage simply to gain certification, increase their own expertise in a given field and expand their own personal development, without any specific goals in employment. Completion of FETAC programmes at levels 5 & 6 can open opportunities to be accepted on to a range of third level programmes at many Institutes of Technologies (IT’s) and Universities.
The National Framework of Qualifications
The National Framework of Qualifications comprises 10 levels ranging from initial learning (level 1) to the most advanced levels of learning (level 10).
View the framework here:

At each level there are one or more award types. An award type is a grouping of awards that share similar features. The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland has determined Award Type Descriptors for each award type.
The Award Type Descriptor identifies the key strands and sub-strands of knowledge, skill and competence for that award type.