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Some information on activities, get togethers, transport options, support and health services for older people can be found in the following document.
Get Togethers
Hospital Family Resource Centre has been working to support recreational activities for Older People and increasing access to services since its inception in 2003. There are many challenges facing older people from poverty, isolation and access to quality services. Hospital Family Resource Centre in partnership with volunteers is funded by HSE West to support social activities for older people in the Communities of Galbally, Hospital, and Kilteely. The activities include the following:
Preventing isolation
Through providing a social outlet and the opportunities to meet with peers to combat isolation and improve mental health of older people living in very rural parts of east Limerick.
Supporting older people with social activities in their own communities
Focus on including older people most in need in the area, provision of refreshments and opportunities to partake in mini-breaks, day trips, shopping trips etc.
Increasing access of older people to information
Having guest speakers delivering information to the older people on their rights & entitlements/health/local activities and services.
Working within the communities of Galbally, Hospital and Kilteely to ensure that services are in place locally for Older People in their own communities.
Inter-agency support
To work with different agencies and services such as Rural Bus, Care Bright, Ballyhoura Development Ltd., Community Garda, Primary Health Care Team, Rural Community Care Network, Ballyhoura Rural Services and the HSE to ensure that services for older people are delivered as a joint initiative within the different communities.
Community initiatives
Creating a space within the community which celebrates the role of older people through open days, networking events and positive ageing week.

Twenty volunteers currently support the Older People’s Project in partnership with Hospital Family Resource Centre & HSE West. They help to ensure that social supports are in place in communities in East Limerick. The volunteers do so by organising the following activities each year:
- 27 monthly get-togethers
- 2 Net-Working Events
- 2 Mini Breaks
- 2 Day Trips
- 1 Shopping trip
- 3 Christmas Parties
Galbally Older People Supports
Galbally Get-togethers started in 2004 and take place the third Tuesday of the Month at the Community Centre in Galbally from 2pm to 4.30 pm. At these get-togethers older people can enjoy music, dancing, guest speakers, exercises, refreshments, raffle and other activities. The group also go on an autumn mini break, networking events and day trips as part of their yearly calendar of activities organise by local volunteers in partnership with Hospital Family Resource Centre and HSE West.
Hospital Older people Supports
Hospital Get-togethers started in 2005 and take place the first Tuesday of the month at Hospital Family Resource Centre from 2pm to 4.30 pm. At these get-togethers older people can enjoy music, dancing, guest speakers, raffles, refreshments and other activities. The group also go on a spring mini break, networking events as part of their yearly calendar of activities organise by local volunteers in partnership with Hospital Family Resource Centre and HSE West.
Kilteely/Dromkeen Older People Supports
Kilteely Get-togethers started in 2008 and take place the Fourth Wednesday of the Month at Cill Bhride Centre from 8pm to 10 pm. At these get-togethers older people can enjoy music, dancing, guest speakers, raffle, refreshments and other activities. The group also go on a shopping trip, day trip & a Christmas Party as part of their yearly calendar of activities organise by local volunteers in partnership with Hospital Family Resource Centre and HSE West.
Rural Bus
Rural Bus serves as transport to Hospital Family Resource Centre get-togethers. It also provides transport to different shopping locations each week, departing from the communities of Galbally, Knocklong & Hospital.