In 2007 the Board and staff of Hospital Family Resource Centre began to work and raise awareness around LGBT issues.  We first worked with the then ‘Rainbows’ Project, which went under the wing of the Red Ribbon Project in Limerick – now GOSHH.

Staff and board members engaged in awareness raising training, examined their own beliefs and developed a code of practise on LGBT issues.

Since then, the Family Resource Centre has actively supported Limerick Pride with information board in the centre and has linked with local schools in relation to Stand Up Week against homophobic bullying.

In 2021 Hospital FRC was successful in accessing funding on behalf of the Mid-West Regional Forum through the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).

The Regional Forum have engaged LGBT Ireland to roll out a training and outcomes focused programme of capacity building with all FRCs in the region.  The training will improve FRCs understanding of and ability to engage with LGBTI+ young people.

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