Work Plan

2022 Work Plan

The work of Hospital Family Resource Centre for 2026 is represented by a series of six inter-related outcome goals. Each desired outcome has a series of sub-objectives that are specifically designed to achieve the specific outcome. Each objective in turn has a number of agreed actions required to fulfill it. Responsibility for each action is assigned to a predetermined member of the team to ensure delivery.

The agreed outcomes and objectives for 2026 are as follows:

Outcome 1: Healthy Both Mentally And Physically

To improve the physical and mental health needs in the community.

  • To improve lifestyle and physical health (1.1)

  • To progress positive mental health (1.2)

  • To support parents in their parenting role (1.3)

Outcome 2: Supported In Active Learning

So that families, individuals and communities are participating in community-based education and learning.

  • To provide learning opportunities for children (2.1)

  • To provide life-long learning opportunities and pathways to return to or re-enter education (2.2)

  • To increase access to digital skills and technology (2.3)

Outcome 3: Safe From Accidental Harm

To ensure the ongoing safety of children, young people, and families.

  • Community Safety Awareness and Supports (3.1)
  • Participate in a community-based response to Domestic Violence (3.2)

Outcome 4: Economic Security

To improve economic security for families, individuals and young people.

  • Support to learners, students, and volunteers in returning to employment (4.1)
  • To provide Training Programmes in the area (4.2)
  • To provide affordable services to the community (4.3)
  • To promote financial security (4.4)

Outcome 5: Included And Participating In Society

To ensure families, children and communities are connected, included in their communities and respected.

  • To facilitate community level networks and safe opportunities for the community to socialise (5.1)
  • To facilitate positive networks for those fulfilling specific family roles (5.2)
  •  Improve policy and decision making for vulnerable groups (5.3)

Outcome 6: A Well Governed, Transparent Family Resource Centre That Meets The Needs Of The Community

  • To support the local community to direct the work of the FRC

  • To ensure the centre is funded adequately

  • To develop and sustain high-performance work teams

  • To ensure the premises is managed adequately

  • To ensure the centre meets compliance and regulatory requirements

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